On glancing today at the newspaper stand the Daily Mail noted that the SNP is to set "attack dog Cybernats" off the leash. I wonder if I am one of these? Despite being a seal, preferring cats and not being in the SNP I suppose I could come under the umbrella. Now being vilified by the Daily Mail may count as a badge of honour- by the way, the upcoming referendum debate will have Labour people side by side with the Daily Mail and even the BNP, perhaps it may make them think.
However the phrase "breaking up Britain" has an interesting ring. Obviously post independence Britain will still be there physically but the political entity will be much altered and will have been delivered a fatal blow. Whilst fully in favour of Scottish Independence one by-product for me will be the freedom to call myself British again. I've touched on this before but the current political set up puts off so many from feeling British( more so in Ireland). The end of the UK state will result, I believe, in a positive revaluation of our identity on these islands which will result in a warmer, more respectful relationship from Cork to Kent, St Ives to Shetland. Far from breaking up we will form closer ties which will include Ireland, North and South. Perhaps I'm being too positive but the future looks good to me.
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