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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Not in my name

One of the downsides of living in Britain is having to put up with the fawning attitude to the Royal Family. The media is especially guilty but, for those reading from outwith these shores, do not believe the hype. Especially here in Scotland where celebrations are hard to spot. In the West it seems to be largely members of the Orange Lodge( an extreme Protestant sectarian organisation which organises anti- Catholic marches with their attendant tensions) and in Edinburgh the few parties are organised but incomers who really don't get the local culture. Surrey by the Forth if you like.
I'm not against the Royals personally, indeed I like Prince Charles very much. The Queen just does not do it for me though. Her much vaunted" never puts a foot wrong" praise does not quite ring true here in Scotland after her ill advised remarks during the 1970's Assembly referendum campaign. However no harm to the woman. If there has to be a monarchy though it should be the above man who is the rightful monarch, Francis, Duke of Bavaria. However he's probably glad he's not involved in all the events.

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